10 Steps to Buying a Bank-Owned Home | Pennymac (2024)

Many potential homebuyers and investors overlook bank-owned properties, but for buyers who take the time to understand the REO process, these homes can be a significant opportunity.

Some homebuyers are intimidated by foreclosed and bank-owned homes because they often require more renovations — and a different type of negotiation — than other options on the market. However, some REO properties come at a significant discount, and, if you’re willing to work through some of the nuances of the post-foreclosure market, you can set yourself up for a great deal.

What is a Real Estate Owned (REO) Property?

REO, which stands for “Real Estate Owned,” is a term applied to foreclosed properties whose ownership has transferred to the bank or lender.

In order to become an REO property, it must go through these general steps:

  1. Loan Default. The homeowner/borrower defaults on (fails to make) their mortgage payments for a certain length of time, with the qualifying amount usually specified in the mortgage terms.
  2. Foreclosure. The lender initiates legal proceedings against the borrower to foreclose on the property.
  3. Auction. The property is then offered to the public at a foreclosure auction and typically sold to the highest bidder. If the property sells to a third party at the auction, the bank or lender recoups some of the cost of the outstanding loan balance, interest and fees from the sale of the property.
  4. REO Status. If the home fails to sell at auction to a third party, possession typically passes to the lender and it becomes a Real Estate Owned (REO) property. The lender prepares to sell it, which may involve evicting occupants and removing outstanding liens attached to the property.

REO properties are attractive to homebuyers or real estate investors for several reasons. In many cases, lenders are motivated sellers who do not want to sit on their REO inventory, and (depending on the bank’s history with the property) these homes may be priced at a discount. However, other factors — like the home being sold “as is” — may affect the ultimate price, so it’s important to work through the process methodically to make sure you account for every variable.

10 Steps to Buying REO Properties

The process for buying an REO home is similar to the standard home buying process, but there are a few key exceptions to keep in mind. Whether you’re buying the home to live in or as an investment, these 10 steps should help set you up for success with bank-owned properties.

Step 1: Browse Available REO Properties

Before you get too far into the process, take a look at the properties available in your target market or price range. There are several ways for prospective homebuyers to browse available REO properties:

  • Multiple Listing Service: Lenders and Realtors® often use the Multiple Listing Service to list REO properties, making it easy to find options from multiple lenders in one place.
  • Real estate agent: A real estate agent will be able to find REO offerings from multiple lenders in your desired area.
  • Online services: Other online services, such as Zillow, offer tools to look up foreclosures by certain characteristics or in certain areas. Some of these tools are free to use, while others may charge a fee.

Step 2: Find a Lender and Discuss REO Financing

Once you’ve found a property you are interested in, talk to a lender about your financing options. This is particularly important because of the timing of the REO homebuying process; lenders are motivated to sell and want to get these homes off of their books, so the more prepared you are with financing, the better.

One thing that can speed up the REO homebuying process is getting pre-approved by the lender that owns the home. With this pre-approval, the lender that owns the REO property will know that you are financially qualified to purchase the property, making them more likely to accept your offer.

Step 3: Find a Real Estate Buyer’s Agent Who Knows REO Homes

A buyer’s agent is a great partner to have while you navigate the home buying process. Your buyer’s agent helps make sure you are finding the best properties at the best possible prices, and they will use their experience to guide you through every stage of the process. Your agent should also be able to tell you if you need to hire anyone else, such as an attorney or an inspection service, depending on your state and situation.

If you are specifically interested in REO properties, try to find a buyer’s agent who works with REO properties frequently. This way, your real estate agent knows the ins and outs of negotiating with a lender, how to calculate the cost of necessary repairs, how to work within the lender’s timeline and how to prepare you for what comes next.

Step 4: Refine Your List of Lender-Owned Properties

Once you are working with a buyer’s agent, you can start narrowing down your list of REO properties. Some major characteristics that should be taken into account include the following:

  • Listing price
  • Significant repairs needed (and the overall impact on price)
  • Location (and proximity to a school, workplace, or other desired area)
  • Number of bedrooms and bathrooms
  • Quality of neighborhood and surrounding areas
  • Community resources in the area, such as parks, gyms, places of worship, etc.
  • Lender-specific contingencies or requirements

Once you have taken your “must have” features into account, if you are left with multiple properties, refine your list based on “nice to have“ features like a large yard, a finished basem*nt or an in-ground pool. Share your favorite homes with your agent, who can set up tours for properties at the top of your list.

Step 5: Get an Appraisal on Your Ideal Property

Some REO homes go for a great price, but buying a bank-owned home is not an automatic bargain. An REO property may be discounted based on an undesirable location or severe damage, or it can be overpriced based on comparable sales in the area or the lender’s desire to recoup the money spent. Either way, it’s a good idea to consider getting an appraisal so you know how the true value compares to the asking price.

An appraisal will help you get an objective estimated value, which you can compare to the bank’s asking price to see if the price is fair. During the appraisal, a licensed appraiser will take inventory of major systems (i.e., HVAC, plumbing), the structural integrity of the home, and check the prices of comparable homes in the area.

Note: An appraisal, which tries to estimate true home value, is different from a home inspection, which tries to take inventory of current and potential issues. An appraisal will help you decide whether or not the asking price is fair; an inspection will help you understand the repairs and renovations needed, which is critical for a bank-owned home.

Step 6: Make an Offer

Once you’ve found a property that is right for you, it’s time to make an offer.

Your agent will help you decide what kind of offer is likely to be accepted, put together the offer and submit it to the lender. Depending on the lender, you may need to submit special contract forms or paperwork. It is also common to attach an earnest money deposit check to your offer. This check (commonly 1-2% of the purchase price) is usually held in an escrow account until the purchase is finalized.

Make sure to consider the inspection process as you are making your offer. You may choose to make the offer contingent on inspection so you are protected if the inspection uncovers significant (and potentially dangerous) issues. If necessary repairs are well-documented, you can use that documentation to make your case for a low offer. Talk to your agent to understand your options when it comes to inspection contingencies.

Step 7: Have the Property Inspected

An inspection should be part of buying any home, but it is crucial for bank-owned homes. Real estate owned properties are typically sold “as is,” meaning the homebuyer is on the hook for any repairs — including major structural issues — that need to be fixed. An REO home may have been vacant for weeks or months, it may be neglected due to the homeowner's financial trouble, or the previous owners may have removed items or damaged the property before vacating. Additionally, it's possible that the property has gone through non-permitted renovations.

With that in mind, you need to be 100% sure you know what needs to be fixed before finalizing the loan. Having a home inspection done is the best way to take a thorough inventory of what repairs need to be made. The cost of these repairs should be added to the asking price so you have a better idea of what the home will cost you (and whether it’s still a good deal after repair costs are factored in).

In some cases, the lender may conduct an inspection when the home becomes bank-owned. If so, make sure you get a copy of the inspection report and review it thoroughly to decide if it is comprehensive enough to help make your decision.

Step 8: Negotiate Details

For better or worse, negotiating with a lender for a bank-owned home is different from negotiating with a homeowner.

On one hand, dealing with a bank instead of a homeowner means you don’t have to worry about emotional attachments to the home influencing the decision. You are also usually dealing with a very motivated lender who wants to get rid of the property (especially if it’s been on the market more than 30 days).

On the other hand, banks typically take longer to respond to an offer (or a question) than a homeowner because the offer must be reviewed by several individuals or companies. When the lender does respond, they will expect you to respond quickly to keep the process moving.

Working with a lender also means jumping through more corporate hoops. Banks are also more likely to present a counter offer because they must demonstrate they tried to get the best possible price for the property. In addition, the lender may ask you to sign a purchase addendum (which you should thoroughly review with your real estate agent or lawyer) and your final offer may be contingent on corporate approval.

Step 9: Finalize Your Loan

Now that you have submitted an offer, several things will be going on at once: the home inspection, negotiations with the bank, and the finalizing of your loan. During this time, you will be filling out paperwork and sharing information with your lender to ensure your loan is the right fit for the offer you have submitted.

Now is also the time to verify the status of the title. The bank typically clears the title before selling a bank-owned home but you can never assume this is the case. Contact the lender to see if the title has been cleared. If not, the lender may have a title company standing by to perform these services. If you are expected to do so yourself, hire a title company to run a full, insured title search before closing the deal.

Step 10: Closing

Once all of the paperwork is in place, you've wired in your down payment and your loan funds are in place, it's time to close.

Closing on an REO property is similar to any other closing, with a few notable exceptions. If you’re unable to close by a predetermined closing date, the lender may charge a penalty for each day beyond the deadline. (You can try to avoid these delays by getting pre-approved for a loan and getting assurance that your financing will come through by a given date.)

At the closing, you and the lender representative will sign the documents necessary to transfer the house into your name and to finish your mortgage. After you've signed everything and the money goes to the right place, you'll get the keys and a new title: homeowner.

Is an REO Home the Right Fit For You?

A bank-owned home can be a great opportunity for homebuyers or investors to find a good deal — but only if you’re willing to be patient and thorough. Dealing with a lender rather than an individual seller may mean slower response times and a more difficult negotiation, but it can lead to a potentially lower price from a motivated seller that has already handled outstanding taxes.

Call a Pennymac Loan Officer to discuss your options today.

10 Steps to Buying a Bank-Owned Home | Pennymac (2024)


Do banks usually negotiate on foreclosures? ›

If buying from a bank, you'll need to sharpen your bargaining skills and start with a lowball offer on the property you want. Banks that have accumulated sizable inventories of foreclosed properties will be more inclined to negotiate on price.

Can you offer less than asking on a foreclosure? ›

It's true that foreclosed properties often sell for less than traditional homes. But if you make an offer that's too far below market value, the sellers (whether they are a federal government body, a bank or a lender) might reject it.

How to buy a home in foreclosure in PA? ›

The sale will be a public auction overseen by the county sheriff. Normally, 1 to 2 months will pass after the court order before the sale begins. The foreclosed property is auctioned to the highest bidder, whereby the sheriff completes necessary paperwork and officially transfers the ownership to the new owner.

How long before PennyMac foreclosure? ›

If you have received a Notice of Intent to Foreclose or other notices from PennyMac Loan Services, they may or may not own your mortgage loan. However, failing to act when you receive a notice of foreclosure from PennyMac Loan Services immediately may result in a foreclosure in as little as 6 months.

Why do banks lose money on foreclosures? ›

Rationale. The primary reason for bank walkaways is that a bank expects to lose money by foreclosing – when proceeds from a foreclosure sale are expected to be insufficient to cover the cost of the foreclosure itself, together with securing, maintaining, and marketing the home for sale.

Which banks have the most foreclosed homes? ›

  1. Bank of America. Loans in foreclosure: 96,319.
  2. Wells Fargo. Loans in foreclosure: 84,903. ...
  3. J.P. Morgan Chase. Loans in foreclosure: 54,325. ...
  4. U.S. Bancorp. Loans in foreclosure: 44,881. ...
  5. Deutsche Bank. Loans in foreclosure: 33,608. ...
  6. Bank of New York Mellon. Loans in foreclosure: 31,821. ...
  7. Citigroup. ...
  8. HSBC Holdings. ...
Mar 21, 2013

Can a bank foreclose if payments are current? ›

Yes, if you do not have insurance or fail to pay your property taxes a mortgage lender can foreclose your property.

How many missed payments before foreclosure in PA? ›

When Can a Pennsylvania Foreclosure Start? Under federal law, the servicer usually can't officially begin a foreclosure until you're more than 120 days past due on payments, subject to a couple of exceptions. (12 C.F.R. § 1024.41).

What is an Act 6 notice in Pennsylvania? ›

Second, before a residential mortgage can be foreclosed in Pennsylvania, the lender must give a 30-day notice of intention to foreclose (also known as an Act 6 Notice), giving the borrower an opportunity to cure, and prohibiting the lender from collecting attorneys' fees incurred during the notice period.

How many mortgage payments can I miss before foreclosure? ›

Key takeaways. If you miss one mortgage payment, lenders will often issue you a 15-day grace period to pay without incurring a penalty. If you miss four consecutive mortgage payments (or are 120 days late), most lenders begin the process of foreclosure on your home.

How many months behind before you go into foreclosure? ›

Notice of Default (NOD)

Lender issues NOD after approximately 90 days of missed payments. This is the official start of the foreclosure process.

How behind on a mortgage before foreclosure? ›

Foreclosure is typically triggered after you miss three payments—that is, you go 90 days past due on your mortgage. A final foreclosure order, requiring you to vacate the property, takes at least another 30 days, by which time you'll have missed a total of four payments.

Why do banks prefer foreclosure to short sale? ›

Short sales tend to be lengthy and paperwork-intensive transactions—sometimes taking up to a full year to process. The pre-foreclosure process can also be quite lengthy, but once the lender has seized the property, the sale usually happens very quickly so that as much money as possible can be recouped.

Will banks negotiate mortgage rates? ›

Each lender will offer somewhat different rates on the same type of loan. Even a couple of percentage points can make a big difference in how high your money payment will be, so be sure to ask around. Negotiate mortgage rate and fees with desired lender.

What are the disadvantages of foreclosure? ›

Poor condition.

Foreclosed homes are usually sold as-is, meaning lenders won't be held responsible for any issues with the current conditions of the property. Many foreclosed homes don't have tenants to maintain upkeep and these homes can sit vacant for an extended period of time.

Are foreclosures good to flip? ›

Foreclosures offer one of the best opportunities for turning a profit for real estate investors because they are sold at auctions, where the market determines the price. Often times, this price will reflect the physical condition and financial encumbrances to the property.

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