Chastity Brainwash (2025)

1. Stream Psychic Chastity by Mutt | Listen online for free on SoundCloud

  • 13 nov 2021 · This hypnosis recording locks your genitals in a psychic chastity cage preventing you from touching them or using them sexually.

  • This hypnosis recording locks your genitals in a psychic chastity cage preventing you from touching them or using them sexually. You can still use your ass and mouth sexually as much as you want, just

Stream Psychic Chastity by Mutt | Listen online for free on SoundCloud

2. Program 5 | Chastity Brainwashing | Shelle Rivers

  • Brainwashed - Program 5: EXTREME CHASTITY EROTIC BRAINWASHING...your body will ache for Domina Shelle Rivers' control. I will brainwash you to be helplessly

  • Brainwashed - Program 5: EXTREME CHASTITY EROTIC BRAINWASHING...your body will ache for Domina Shelle Rivers' control. I will brainwash you to be helplessly AROUSED all the time

3. Forms of Chastity – @askagni on Tumblr

4. mind control - Chastity Mansion

  • Steven's Chip [Chastity, Mind Control] · This is an idea I had a while back and a rough draft. Maybe I develop it into more, maybe not. It's a bit long but ...

  • Access to some of the content on CM, such as PHOTO GALLERIES and CHAT ROOMS are restricted to members only. If not already a member SIGN UP NOW to gain access to it all. Chastity caption photos are the only photos available for non-membersMembership is absolutely free!

5. I need Chastity - Vive Hypnosis

6. Chastity Control - Part 1 - Shelle Rivers -

  • Level: Medium Length: 20 minutes Category: Chastity-Mind Control The Chastity files -- Chastity Control part 1 ... Brainwash Mantra LOOP BW Loop ...

  • Level: Medium Length: 20 minutes Category: Chastity-Mind Control The Chastity files -- Chastity Control part 1.  Clear your calendar---for the next week, you are Mine.  A week in which I

7. Stream chastity sissy Kayla | Listen to hypno playlist online ... - SoundCloud

  • 7 okt 2021 · Listen to hypno, a playlist curated by chastity sissy Kayla on desktop and mobile.

  • Listen to hypno by chastity sissy Kayla 💕 #np on #SoundCloud

Stream chastity sissy Kayla | Listen to hypno playlist online ... - SoundCloud

8. Shibbydex

  • Shibby's Chastity Challenge ... In this experimental series, written by my minion, I use all the hypnotic tricks and triggers in my arsenal to covertly brainwash ...

  • A database for Shibby audio files

9. My Superheroine Wife Is Really Really Into Mind Control - Chapter 1

  • 19 jun 2021 · Consensual Mind Control · Mind Control · Light BDSM · Personality Swap ... Chastity. Summary: His wife is Earth's strongest hero, and he was ...

  • An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Chastity Brainwash (2025)


What are the three forms of chastity? ›

There are three forms of the virtue of chastity: the first is that of spouses, the second that of widows, and the third that of virgins. We do not praise any one of them to the exclusion of the others.... This is what makes for the richness of the discipline of the Church.

What is a chastity personality? ›

Chastity, also known as purity, is a virtue related to temperance. Someone who is chaste refrains either from sexual activity that is considered immoral or from any sexual activity, according to their state of life.

What is the path of chastity? ›

All baptized Christians are called to chastity, that is, the virtue of living out one's sexual life in the proper way: if one is married, to be sexually intimate only with your spouse and, if one is unmarried, to refrain from sexual intimacy with anyone.

What is the sin of chastity? ›

The Lord and His prophets condemn sexual immorality. All sexual relations outside of marriage violate the law of chastity and are physically and spiritually dangerous for those who engage in them.

What are the two rules of chastity? ›

The law of chastity states that God approves of sexual activity only between a man and a woman who are married.” Youth are also taught "Outside of marriage between a man and a woman, it is wrong to touch the private, sacred parts of another person's body even if clothed.

Why do men love chastity? ›

Men also want to be more aware of what their sexual partners want. Chastity limits them to where they will have to learn more about their partners and what they're looking for in a relationship. It is easier to be attentive and responsive when the right effort works.

Is chastity the same as celibacy? ›

A simple way to remember it is to think of chastity as a virtue, celibacy as a vow, and continence as restraining from sexual acts. In the history of the Church, there have been some married saints who lived lives of “continence,” not engaging in sexual intimacy, because they felt God inviting them to this lifestyle.

What does the Bible say about chastity? ›

Chastity is practiced by a person who makes a habit of presenting their body again and again and again, “as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God” (Romans 12:1), and as an act of worship to the God who made their body, loves their body, and cares deeply about their body.

How to repent for chastity? ›

Five Steps to Repair and Repent
  1. Flee immediately from any situation you are in that is either causing you to sin or that may cause you to sin. ...
  2. Plead with the Lord for the power to overcome. ...
  3. Let your priesthood leaders help you resolve the transgression and come back into full fellowship with the Lord.

What violates the law of chastity? ›

Chastity Is Sexual Purity

Before marriage, do not participate in passionate kissing, lie on top of another person, or touch the private, sacred parts of another person's body, with or without clothing. Do not do anything else that arouses sexual feelings.

What is the symbol of chastity? ›

Periwinkle flower represents chastity and purity. Some also see it as a symbol of new beginnings or friendships.

What are the three grades of chastity? ›

How does the Wife use her status as a widow to gain power? The hierarchy of sexual status was frequently used to categorize women and was typically referred to as “The Three Grades of Chastity” with virgin at the top, widow in the middle, and wife at the bottom.

What are the three main margas? ›

The epic Bhagavadgita (or Gita) describes jnana-marga, the way of knowledge (study of philosophical texts and contemplation); karma-marga, the way of action (proper performance of one's religious and ethical duties); and bhakti-marga, the way of devotion and self-surrender to God.

What's the difference between chastity and celibacy? ›

A simple way to remember it is to think of chastity as a virtue, celibacy as a vow, and continence as restraining from sexual acts. In the history of the Church, there have been some married saints who lived lives of “continence,” not engaging in sexual intimacy, because they felt God inviting them to this lifestyle.

What is the difference between a virgin woman and a chaste woman? ›

“Virginity was an anatomical state that preceded sexual activity; chastity was a state, both spiritual and psychological, that could be observed through all stages of a person's adult life.” Sanctified by God, marriage and sexual relations between man and wife could be chaste – as could childbirth.

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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

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Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.