Seahorse Fathers Take Reins in Childbirth (2024)

It's true that male seahorses never play catch with their children or help them with their homework. But they do outdo human dads on one count: Male seahorses undergo pregnancy and give birth to their sons and daughters.

The trait is unique in these strange and fascinating fish that inhabit tropical and temperate coastal waters worldwide.

Seahorses, which range from less than an inch to a foot (one to 30 centimeters) in length, have evolved a series of unusual adaptations—a prehensile tail for clinging to underwater vegetation, a tubelike mouth for sucking in tiny crustaceans, and protective bony plates in their skin. There are 32 species of seahorse, all in the genus Hippocampus.

"They're such an unusual-looking fish, people sometimes don't realize they're real fish," said Alison Scarratt, curator of fishes at the National Aquarium in Baltimore.

The aquarium is currently featuring "Seahorses: Beyond Imagination," an exhibit about seahorses, pipefish, and sea dragons that will end next year. Scarratt said it has been the most successful exhibit in the history of the Baltimore Aquarium, which opened in 1981.

Although the bony plates covering its body make the seahorse unpalatable to most other animals, its survival is under threat from human predation, especially for use in traditional medicines.

No statistical data on seahorse populations is available because relatively little research on seahorses has been done until recently, but fishers have reported a decline in the number and size of seahorses they catch, according to a network of scientists from various institutions who conduct research under a program called Project Seahorse.

Breeding seahorses in captivity is a problem, in part because the babies are so tiny it's hard to keep them alive. The marine scientists in Baltimore are working to develop effective methods that will help ensure the creature's survival.

Male Contractions

The male seahorse has a pouch on its stomach in which to carry babies—as many as 2,000 at a time. A pregnancy lasts from 10 to 25 days, depending on the species.

The reproductive process begins when a male and a female seahorse do daily pre-dawn dances, intertwining their tails and swimming together. Eventually they engage in a true courtship dance, which can last as long as eight hours. It ends with the female depositing her eggs in the male's pouch.

"Their mating ritual is quite beautiful," said Sarah Foster, a research biologist at McGill University in Montreal who is involved in Project Seahorse.

Scientists think the courtship behavior is designed to synchronize the movements of the two animals so that the male can receive the eggs when the female is ready to deposit them. The eggs are then fertilized in the dad's pouch.

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The eggs hatch in the pouch. The father cares for the young as they grow, regulating the water salinity in the pouch to prepare them for life in the sea. "It's quite costly energetically," Foster said.

When the tiny seahorses are ready to be born, the male undergoes muscular contractions to expel the young, known as "fry," from the pouch.

Cutting the Ties

While seahorse dads go the extra mile to give birth, the parents do not provide their tiny offspring with any care or protection after they are born.

Infant seahorses are susceptible to death from predators and being swept into ocean currents, where they drift away from feeding grounds rich in microscopic organisms.

Fewer than five infant seahorses in every 1,000 survive to adulthood, which helps explain why the litters are so large, said James Anderson, manager of the seahorse program at the National Aquarium in Baltimore.

By fish standards, however, seahorses have a fairly high survival rate because they are sheltered in the father's pouch during the earliest stages of development. The eggs of other fish are abandoned immediately after fertilization.

Breeding Difficulties

Although seahorses are the only fish that experience true male pregnancy, the males of two close relatives, sea dragons and pipefish, carry eggs attached to an area beneath their tails.

Anderson said other members of the family Sygnathidae, to which these three fish belong, have a number of different types of enclosed areas on their bodies in which to hold eggs; these spaces range from a flat spot to a trough, suggesting how a pouch may have evolved.

Scientists are not sure what evolutionary advantage male pregnancy gives seahorses. One theory is that it enables a shorter cycle of reproduction by distributing the costs of the process between the two partners.

While the male is bearing the young, the female can prepare more eggs to implant soon after the male has given birth to the last litter. Anderson said some seahorses can give birth in the morning and be pregnant again by evening.

Aquariums have only recently developed the technology to raise seahorses in captivity, according to Scarratt. "The husbandry for seahorses is extremely difficult," she said.

The main challenge has not been getting the seahorses to breed, but to help the fry survive, she explained. The infant seahorses are so small they cannot eat most of the tiny plankton that are fed to the adults. Special food has to be grown so the fry do not starve.

The Seahorse Breeding Lab at the National Aquarium in Baltimore has raised eight species of seahorses and three species of pipefish. Populations of these fishes have been sent to institutions in the United States and Portugal.

Seahorse Fathers Take Reins in Childbirth (2024)


Seahorse Fathers Take Reins in Childbirth? ›

In seahorses and pipefish, it is the male that gets pregnant and gives birth. Seahorse fathers incubate their developing embryos in a pouch located on their tail. The pouch is the equivalent of the uterus of female mammals. It contains a placenta, supporting the growth and development of baby seahorses.

Do male seahorses continue to take care of the babies after birth? ›

After he has given birth, the seahorse dad does nothing more for his babies. They must look after themselves and hide from predators, as they have no parents to protect them.

Who carries the pregnancy in seahorse? ›

Seahorses and their close relatives, sea dragons, are the only species in which the male gets pregnant and gives birth. Male seahorses and sea dragons get pregnant and bear young—a unique adaptation in the animal kingdom. Seahorses are members of the pipefish family.

Do male seahorses carry the eggs during reproduction? ›

Pot-bellied seahorse males have a specialised enclosed structure on their tail. This organ is called the brood pouch, in which the embryos develop. The female deposits eggs into the male's pouch after a mating dance and pregnancy lasts about 30 days.

Why do male seahorses give birth and not females? ›

Scientist think the reason the males give birth instead of the females is because seahorse babies are often eaten by prey and so having the male give birth allows the female to create more eggs to be fertilized without having to wait to give birth herself. Sharing the labor ensures survival of the species.

What does seahorse dad mean to humans? ›

In the project Seahorse Parents, artist Miriam Guttmann follows the journey of four pregnant transgender men. The men proudly present themselves as 'Seahorse Parents': referring to the only species in the entire animal kingdom where the males carry the baby.

Can seahorses change gender? ›

Answer and Explanation: Seahorses are not one of those animals who change their sex. The female lays the eggs and the male carries the fertilized eggs on his back. They remain male and female.

How many seahorses survive after birth? ›

Like most fish species, seahorses do not nurture their young after birth. The infants are at risk of predators or ocean currents, which wash them away from feeding grounds or into temperatures too extreme for their delicate bodies. They have a survival rate of less than 0.5%.

What is the life span of a seahorse? ›

The natural lifespans of seahorses are virtually unknown, with most estimates coming from captive observations. Known lifespans for seahorse species range from about one year in the smallest species to an average of three to five years for the larger species.

Do seahorses feel pain when giving birth? ›

They experience definite labor pains when birth is imminent, evident as a series of powerful contractions, and soon begin pumping in time with these birth spasms in order to forcibly eject the fry from their pouches. Labor usually begins well after dark in the early morning hours or shortly after dawn (Vincent, 1990).

Do seahorses mate for life? ›

Most wild seahorses (here the thorny seahorse Hippocampus histrix ) are monogamous and some species mate for life. Searching for mates can be difficult and risky since seahorses are poor swimmers, found in low densities and rely on camouflage to hide from predators.

Do baby seahorses stay with their parents? ›

In here, these offspring will get all the food and oxygen they need to develop. Anywhere from 14 days to 4 weeks later, all these little seahorses will be born. Baby seahorses are called fry and once they are born, they are completely independent. Mom and dad leave them to find food and shelter all on their own.

What are baby seahorses called? ›

A baby seahorse is called a “fry.” When the time is right for the babies to be born, the males will bend their bodies back and forth until a tiny seahorse pops out of the pouch.

Do male seahorses carry eggs in his pouch till they hatch? ›

Male seahorses have a unique reproductive system where they carry the fertilized eggs deposited by the female in a pouch located on their abdomen. This pouch provides a safe environment for the developing embryos.

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All of which do something that gives them the title of best dad: they are one of the only species in which the male carries and delivers its babies. Seahorses are monogamous, meaning they only have one mate during the reproductive seasons.

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McConnell stopped testosterone replacement therapy in September 2016 to start the process of becoming pregnant. On 21 April 2017, he was artificially inseminated and became pregnant. He gave birth to his son in January 2018.

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The unusual case — believed to be the first of its kind in Italy — makes him a member of a tiny group of people known as “seahorse dads,” transgender men who carry babies, the Telegraph reported. The term is derived from the fact that among seahorses, the males carry and give birth to their young.

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The father cares for the young as they grow, regulating the water salinity in the pouch to prepare them for life in the sea. "It's quite costly energetically," Foster said. When the tiny seahorses are ready to be born, the male undergoes muscular contractions to expel the young, known as "fry," from the pouch.

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Name: Greg O'Connell

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